- been afraid of a mango
- pushed an airplane
- been to Haiti
- been outside the US
- drunk 2 gallons of water and not peed
- let it mellow in the toilet
- had Coke with a French label
- had ants crawl over me when sleeping
- sweat this much
- gone without Mountain Dew for 5 days
- slept so close to a fan
- been able to call people "black" or "white" without seeming racist
- ridden in the back of a truck with 15 other people
- been heckled when trying to buy something
- gotten something half off without a coupon
- wanted to bathe in deodorant
- appreciated a cold shower
- ran out of water when showering
- got in a wrestling match with my shirt when trying to take it off
- climbed a mountain
- been in a prayer chapel on a mountain
- seen a cactus fence
- prayed for someone who didn't speak my language
- seen a wild gecko
- taught people in another language
- been on Facebook in another country
- been in a plane
- had our pilot pray before our flight
- flown in a DC-3
- thrown up twice on a plane
- been woken up by a rooster
- seen so many naked little boys
- sang in two languages at the same time
- missed my sister
- seen broken glass used as barbed wire
- seen someone guarding the gas station with a gun
- seen people walking around with a machete
- picked a fresh mango
- painted an orphanage
- been so thankful for a Culligan
- written my own lesson plan
- had to look both ways for cows
- been to Florida
- had white sauce
- seen a Japanese butterfly
- been to a Japanese steakhouse
- eaten at Chick-Fil-A, Steak & Shake, Moe's, or Kobe's
- gotten a $20 hotel room
- had to be so flexible with plans
- seen New Tribe or Wycliffe
- had so many men ask if I'm married
- been offered money for my clothes
- gotten a stamp on my passport
- been to a 3rd-world country
- left a trip with less luggage than I came with
- blogged
- heard of breadfruit
- used high school French in real life
- had the power go off every night
- seen and smelled burning garbage
- known a woman could smell so bad
- met a professional hula hooper
- sat in the jump seat in the cockpit of an airplane
- gone to a Creole church service
- been on a trip without disagreements
- seen people so passionate about worshipping at 4:30am
- enjoyed a fully-loaded 15-passenger van
- had a play-by-play announcer for blind man's bluff
- seen such extreme poverty in person
- destroyed so many flourescent bulbs at once
- been stared at for so long by everyone around
- had so much fun overcoming a language barrier
- seen someone drive a motorcycle with a goat tied to it
- seen 5 people on a motorcycle
- seen someone so excited about nametags
- worn a skirt for that long
- had to treat water as a precious resource
- had the time not matter so much
- been on a trip with so many schedule changes
- become so comfortable with always being uncomfortable
- seen God's plan so clearly
- been in 3 countries in 1 day
- had breakfast in the Bahamas
- been so comfortable with food in another country
- had fried plantains
- been pooped on by a pelican
- held hands with so many grown men
- had strangers say, "I love you so much."
Follow our journey to Haiti August 3-10! Join us in prayer and watch the work that God will do in and through us during that week and long afterwards.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I have never...
One thing that I love about taking students on trips is watching them experience things for the first time. At a number of points on our Haiti trip, someone would comment, "I've never done THIS before!" I finally said, "We need to write down all the 'I have never's." Little did I know that once we started naming them, we'd have this long a list!We thought you would enjoy reading along with us all of the things that at least one person on our team said "I have never before..."
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